Monday, May 5, 2008

Building a Computer

Building a computer can be a pain in the butt. Many people still have problems putting their computers together.

Step 1:
This video demonstrates how to install the copper spacers into the computer case to prepare it for motherboard installation.

Step 2: This video demonstrates how to correctly install a CPU (Central Processing Unit) into a motherboard.

Step 3: Installing a heat sink.

Step 4: Install a power supply. This video teaches you how to properly install a power supply. The power supply feeds electricity to your computer's components.

Step 5: Install a motherboard. This video teaches how to install a motherboard into a computer case. Make sure that the holes in the motherboard line up with the copper spacers screwed into your case.

Step 6: Install a ram. This video demonstrates how to correctly install RAM (Ready Access Memory) into the motherboard of your computer.

Step 7: Install hard drive(s). This video shows how to install hard drives into a computer.

Step 8: Install optical drive(s). This video teaches how to install optical drives (CD, DVD, CD burners, DVD burners, etc.) into your computer.

Step 9: Conclusion to PC build. This video is the conclusion to the PC Build Series on

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