Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Women Look For in a Man

I came across this interesting article while browsing the internet and I thought I'd share it.

The majority population of women have similar characteristics they look for in the men they want to go out with. Look play only a partial role so if you are no Brad Pitt, that doesn't necessarily mean you have no chance. We've all seen those average looking guys going out on dates with a 5"8 model and that's because they figured out a way to present themselves as desirable.

So how does on present themselves as desirable to women?

The first thing you want to watch out for is coming on too strong. If you keep texting or calling her, it seems a little needy and desperate. Girls don't like it when they sense desperation in their man.

Confidence is key to attract women. However, there is a very fine line between confident and cocky and it is crucial you do not cross that line. Try to talk about her and not yourself so much on dates and always appear to be interested in what she is saying.

Another important tip to consider is to be a good listener. Women usually want someone to listen to their problems and what they are thinking and this will definitely make you more desirable to women.

Being humorous and articulate is also very important. Women love men that are smart, clever, and funny because the way to a women's heart is through her laugh.

Make sure you smile a lot and have proper eye contact. Eye contact will show women that you are interested in them and you are listening. Smiling will let her know that you love spending time with them. If she does the same to you, you are in business.

Lastly, women are emotional individuals so they are attracted to some deep psychological things. Try to boggle their minds with new ideas and interesting topics so they can be seduced by your charm.

These are only a few things women look for in the men they date. Try to apply some of these useful tips and maybe you might find your "one."

Best wishes,

Sam Lee

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