Monday, December 14, 2009

TVLesson's First Internship Graduates with Flying Colors

TVLesson is proud to announce the graduation of its Fall 2009 Media Internship.

The Internships, which generally last from 1-3 months, provide a way for local filmmakers and film students from nearby schools and universities to interact with TVLesson and gain valuable work experience as a Filmmaker, whilst learning things like Cinematography, Lighting, Sound Design, Directing and video Editing.

Says recent graduate Matt, 'My TVLesson Internship gave me the confidence to try out new ideas and technologies and collaborate with a fantastic group of people who I never would've met otherwise. Our first Intern film was a finalist in the South Bay Film Festival, which I feel was a big achievement and looks great on my resume. Thank you, TVLesson!'

For all you budding writers out there, here's what our interns have to say about the process of writing a short film:

TVLesson is currently accepting applications for our Spring 2010 Internship program, which kicks off in the first week of January. Local Orange-County-based applicants can apply by emailling us at: info (at) TVLesson (dot) com for more details.

Congratulations to our Fall 2009 Graduate Interns!

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