Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How to Control Wedding Expenses

Preparing for a wedding is one of the busiest and most exciting times for an engaged couple. Naturally, they would want what’s best for the wedding ceremony, down to the smallest details. However, costs could soar to great heights if not controlled. Here are some tips on how to control wedding expenses.
1. As much as possible, do not set your wedding date during peak season months for weddings. There is a huge possibility that suppliers and venues would have higher rates for these months as well.
2. Decide on how many guests you want to invite, and if it is really necessary to invite them at all. Keep in mind that the wedding should be for the bride, groom, their friends and family – not for people who “should be” invited.
3. Choose flowers which are grown locally, or those that are in season.
4. You may also look into using silk flowers instead of fresh ones. Depending on the quality, they may look as nice as the fresh ones and will cost considerably less.
5. Look into less-expensive materials for the wedding gown. There will always be a cheaper alternative to the material to be used. Be sure to choose a good design and an even better designer/dressmaker, though.
6. Don’t spend too much on the rehearsal dinner. Again, ideally this one should be for the bride and groom’s family and close friends.
7. Talk to your suppliers/vendors and be honest with them regarding your working budget. Most suppliers offer flexibility in terms of materials used, freebies thrown in, etc.
8. Take advantage of your friends’ talents and you may cut down on paying for some suppliers. You can ask your friends if their services can be their wedding gift to you. It’s best to consider all your options.
9. Consider going for scaled-down or simplified versions of some of the products or services you need, like going for a simpler cake, invitations, etc.
10. You may also want to consider not serving any alcoholic beverages on your wedding. This may be a shocking idea to some, but it will cut the food/beverage costs significantly. This will also help make sure that all guests are sober enough to really enjoy your special day.

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