Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Did you know Friday the 13th is the most widespread superstition across the United States? Many people call off work and refuse to go out of the house on this dreadful day. Me on the other hand would be more afraid of staying at home because this guy might come after me:

Not sure why the number 13 is associated with misfortune, but legend has it that if 13 people sit down to have dinner together, then one of them will die within the year. Also, many cities do not have a 13th street or avenue and many buildings do not have a 13th floor (does that mean the floor is empty or do they just skip the number 13 and make it 14, but then doesn't that make the 14th floor the 13th floor). There are also 13 witches in a coven. Finally, if you have 13 letters in your name, then you will have the devil's luck. Some people who have 13 letters in their names are Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Theodore Bundy, Jack the Ripper, and Albert De Salvo (Good thing I only have 9 letters in my name or I might have chosen a different career). So using logic and deductive reasoning let's figure out why most people deem friday the 13th to be such an unlucky day. Friday is the 6th day of the week. One of the assiociations to the number 6 is man (God created man on the 6th day). History seems to deem the number 13 with misfortune. Therefore, Friday the 13th is a day of man's misfortune, which could be why people are so superstitious this time of year. If you disagree with my logic (knowing me I'm probably completely off), then throw up a comment; other than that happy Friday the 13th.

Me talking about friday the 13th has left me little time to talk about Valentine's Day. Maybe I'm bitter because I have no plans for that day. I would get all into the history of Valentine's Day too, but I think this post is long as it is. However, I will share a funny video that caught my eye on What not to do on Valentine's Day. Honestly, has anyone ever done any of that stuff on the video?

Well, I promised you a post and there it is. Wasn't really about Valentine's Day, but hey take what you can get.

1 comment:

AWESAM Lee said...

haha i didnt know that.