Friday, March 6, 2009

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!!!

Time published an interesting article last month entitled, "How to Save Your Newspaper." Is it really possible to save the newspapers, when all that information is available on the internet for free? According to the Time, "it is now possible to contemplate a time when some major cities will no longer have a newspaper and when magazines and network-news operations will employ no more than a handful of reporters." Therefore, newspapers, like the dinosaurs, are a things of the past and on the verge of extinction. If you disagree, comment with your opinions.

Now let's move on to some breaking news:

First up, "The how-to site helps with flirting skills, or playing the banjo." That's right, this is an article in the OC Register on TVLesson. Definitely a milestone for TVLesson. It's been a tough year, but thanks to all of our members TVLesson is now a contender.

Now, I don't know how many of
have heard, but Rosario Marin has resigned from her position as head of the State and Consumer Services Agency. According to the LA Times, Rosario "resigned Thursday after questions about income she received for giving speeches to private companies, including some that were doing business with her agency." Well, through these times I hope Rosario can remember the advice she gave TVLesson:

Thanks for tuning into TVLesson's Breaking News.


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