Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Summer's Here

Finally! School's over and now it's time to play in the hot summer heat. But what makes summer summer? Is it the unlimited free time we can spend just laying on the soft sandy beach? I think not. In my opinion, it's only summer when we can have all the chilled desserts that we want without adults saying that it's too much because they'll be busy cooling themselves down with a treat as well.

And I think I have the perfect treat to satisfy our tastes for something deliciously cold in our mouths: homemade icicle pops!! Whooo!!

The great thing about these icicle pops are:

1)They're low in calories (depending on which one you eat. You can't expect a fudge pop to be less than 50 calories, although strawberry pops are o.O)

2) they're all incredibly delicious, and

3) they cost a fraction of the money we use to buy Popsicles in stores.

Why waste time making pops when you can easily drive to the store to buy some? Well, if you're a parent, it's a great way to get your lazy child's butt off the couch and have some bonding time, because we all know how much a teenager and a parent need time to talk and have fun. On the other hand, if you're a teenager, it's the perfect excuse to not go on a random fishing trip or go mow the lawn (yawn...how boring would a fishing trip be?)

With three different varieties of ice pops you can make, what's not to love?

Come on... I know you want to try it... =]

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